
These orchids can be varied in their cultural requirements, the hybrids are tolerant of wide ranges in temperature, and broadly speaking do best in an intermediate environment. There are many varieties however spread throughout the world, and cultural requirements differ widely amongst the species, hence the following is given as a general rule for most hybrids.

Temperature and Humidity
Minimum night temperatures of 10 -15 C, depending on the plants’ origin, are needed, but growth in summer is rapid at temperatures up to 26 C. A humid atmosphere, propelled by a fan is beneficial. Light In greenhouses, the normal maximum is 40/50% of full daylight or 1000-2500 foot candles. In hot weather shade sufficiently to ensure that the leaves are cool to the touch. If you are growing in the home give a bright situation but not direct sunlight, behind a net curtain, from April to September. These also make good conservatory plants as long as summer shade and good air movement can be provided.

Watering and Fertilising
From March to September the compost should never be allowed to dry out completely. Water twice weekly and fertilise fortnightly with a recommended orchid fertiliser. From October to February, no fertiliser is needed, but water the plants when the compost appears dried out. It is better to underwater as the plants can stand neglect more than over watering! Compost and potting A medium bark mix will do well with added polystyrene spheres or perlite to keep it open. Chopped sphagnum helps retain humidity and some charcoal keeps it ‘sweet’. New compost will keep the plant growing for two to three years before it turns acid and the plant needs repotting.

The best time to repot is when the new roots are just beginning to appear at the new shoot’s base.

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Please note in regards to postage

Our checkout will charge you $30 for postage. This is an average amount it normally costs to post an order however if it is less we will simply refund the over paid postage when we post your order or if you have paid via bank transfer we will simply add a plant to the value.

We are predominantly an online business however we do allow people to come to the nursery to purchase things via appointment only. Generally we only allow people to come Thursdays, and STRICTLY APPOINTMENT ONLY. IF WANTING TO COME YOU NEED TO EMAIL US… We are never open on a weekend.

PLEASE NOTE: We are currently in the process of transferring all contact methods to email. Unfortunately due to time restraints we are asking for emails only at this point going forward. That way we can better help you and not miss your messages/calls.

We now have our ICA-29 accreditation & definitely send plants to WA and TAS. (This however incurs a $15 charge per order)
ATTENTION: Nursery is open via appointment only! Please email in advance to book a time. Generally we only have Thursdays free for this. Please don’t just turn up.